I am going to be selfish in 2021!

Stacey Martin
9 min readJan 1, 2021

I am going to pause my story for just a moment to wish everyone a Happy New Year. Last year was a struggle and challenge for many of us. Many of us found that our typical business model was not typical anymore.

We were left wondering why the big box businesses could be open and everyone else was high risk. A lot of what we saw and heard made no sense! Either way, it became a new landscape.

So, today, we take the new landscape, old thoughts, lessons learned and tools to make 2021 the best year we have ever had…no matter what is going on around us! Are you ready? Let’s do this! #NewYearNewMe

Going back to MLM, it is interesting because many of them thrived in that new landscape and many failed or became slow (at the kindest words I can use).

Why is that?

Well — it is because the ones that thrived turned to Social Media. They set a pattern years ago and plugged into that. They were already doing what most were trying to catch up too. Many MLM companies took their same methods and modernized them, so they really didn’t dip at all. Sales actually improved because there was no longer the limitation of face-to-face sales.

Remember this lesson, coming into the new year my friends. You may have a thriving business now, but you must be sure that you are always looking to grow. Grow you, grow your business, grow your team. If you don’t know how or why, join me! I will get you there!

Today — because it is the New Year, let me tell you MY SECRET!

Consistency! I know you have heard this a million times. Okay, a million plus ONE more now. Today is the 1st. I strongly suggest that you regroup your thoughts on how you can be consistent in your business on the web. It could be blogging, like me. I do Facebook lives DAILY. I am opening my inner circle, which I have not done in over 15 years. I am changing how I eat and documenting that in a Facebook group. We are giving everyone 365 meals, planning stuff in the kitchen, all keto and gluten friendly and under 30 minutes. I am teaching people how to gain 5–17 hours a week and we even have a quit smoking system to help people get rid of their bad habits.

Why am I doing ALL that? Because, in truth, some of it is my challenge to myself. Some of it is because I have heard these objections, or obstacles throughout my entire career. Things that I never even knew were standing in my way.

Mind friction, as some call it. I finally realized this one of the main keys to why some will and some haven’t. It is not because of education, knowledge, grit, or luck! None of those held the main component that I knew all success stories have!

It is why we created the Stop Smoking System! It is simple, and yet, we are getting feedback from people saying that it was bigger than smoking! I have bottled up lessons that I have been learning (and teaching too).

When clients or friends would come to me with something, I was always like, here is what you need to do. Or, here is what is going on with you. I would watch person after person get the ”ah-ha” moment, finally understand why. But, better than that, they would be able to get things changed in literally a week! Yes, ONE WEEK!

We have put the system into a book because there are too many people who are trapped by smoking and other habits or thoughts that hold them back from their best life.

It is interesting though, isn’t it? If you listen to the mainstream people who “coach” out there, they say something similar and yet a little different. Some people resonate with one coaching style, like in your face methods. Others relate to meditation and calm coaching. The bottom line is it is all a frame of mind.

Why Coaching will not work unless you get to the root of YOU!

I can yell at you to be consistent in your business. Or I could tell you calmly, you need to do this or change that. The bottom line is that you have crap in the mind, it doesn’t matter how many courses you take or money you put into growth….you will eventually fall back on the old self.

It always blew my mind when people would pay me to coach them and we would form a system. They would stick with it for a bit and then go back to the old way.

I relate this to New Years Resolutions. They are a resolution. What the heck does that even mean? I smoked for years and every year I would say I would quit. I did for a few days, maybe a week or month. The bottom line was, I picked it back up. And, let’s face it, that is not a great habit! You smell like an ashtray; you lose ridiculous time because you are on “smoke breaks.” And the money…. we wont even go down that rabbit hole!

People do it with diets, going to clean the house more, spend more time with family…and the list goes on and on.

But the real reason we don’t stick with it is really a much deeper subject.

So, this is my secret…I have taken all these years and wrapped them into a program that will have you out of your head and into your life within the next 30 days! I am determined to show everyone and walk them through things too. It is why we are doing the cooking and planning and time saving. It is why I am opening my inner circle up to people again. I want to make an impact!

It is actually sort of selfish too! I want to show my food journey (this is a new one for me) and let you know I am just a normal person, like you. I want to selfishly get all this crap off my chest, if you will.

I have taught thousands. It can be draining at times. It is self-serving to put it in a system, prove the formulation and let millions change their life! The people that will be in my inner circle will be testing and tweaking all the new tools we are releasing this next year. So, this is selfish of my time long term.

I know that if I take this next year to open my calendar up to the public and share some new journeys, I will gain more long term! What I mean is that, by working with you now, I can preserve that and record it. I can have something that withstands my life to help others…it can be truly like an evergreen tree!

If you are tired of the same crap, then join me! I will give you my top 10 tips if you just send me a message…. FREE! My secret is out on the table. I’m on a new journey and thanks to social media, I can share it all with you and go on this transformation journey with you this year!

It is time for all of us to have our best life, don’t you think?

Oh, dang, I am getting deep on my secret here! How do I know all this? Um, because I smoked for way too long, I gained 100 pounds and I stopped in business too many times. I had shiny penny syndrome. I have the blisters and the miles in all those shoes. My goal, is to help you embrace your best…YOU…the gift that is amazing.

Come into this new year with direction! Even if deep down you are a little unsure! Give 30 days to a new direction and new you! I can promise you will never want to fall back on your old ways, when you really implement the lessons, I took 30 years to figure out!

Don’t be the loser like me…. seriously! Can you imagine what my life would have been like if I would have learned all this crap faster? But, let me pay that forward and help you leap over the valley of crap! Come over here with me and let’s climb this thing together. This is my message, my secret. The whole blog is selfish…I want others to “get it” and have “ah-ha” moments NOW, rather than later. I want to stop answering the same questions and put it all out there so that people can get there in lightening speed! Once this shift happens, everything CAN happen. If you are stuck in THAT pattern, you will only get so far before you find yourself on a ledge, and often feeling alone. You wonder, how did I get back HERE again! *sigh* I remember those days!

Thank you for letting me put this out there. It is a message I wish someone would have shared with me 30 years ago!

There is an ancient proverb that says “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the 2nd best time is NOW.” Make today be your now! Join me! Let’s walk through this year with a new mindset and mission! I am working on my body, mind, and business. If you want to join me for all of it, or part of it…I am honored!

Today was kind of like “coffee time” together. The bottom line is really about…. YOU! If I can move ONE person with this blog in the next year, then my time is worth it!

Of course, my goal is to help thousands Stop Smoking. Help thousands get a business started. Help thousands pick up their business and start kicking butt. Help thousands see less debt, less stress and more laughter and enjoyment of life.

Time saver tips for the day –Look at your day and see what bad habits you do every day without realizing them. I used to smoke, then I ate myself up 100 pounds, then I lost it, I was not consistent in my business and I was able to find success. But it was short lived and not at a level I felt it should be! Let’s work together on this and rock 2021 like the rock star you are!

Yes- Word tip notes are coming. But it is New Years Eve and it has been an insane year for us all. I know many of you won’t want to deal with business, we are keeping tasks light the rest of the week. Baby tasks, and we will tackle this topic next week! 👍

These next few days will be light on the tools and such because I realize many of you are not in the “business mode!”

Tomorrow I will give you another “dirty secret” that your upline doesn’t want you to know!

Be your best and don’t copy your upline!



Ps — I promise that if you follow me for the next 365 days, your business will be stronger. You will have more of the people you WANT in your business and you will be happier and financially stronger!

Like my fan page in Facebook @StaceyMartinCoaching

*If you are interested in being a part of my inner circle, Send me a message or request to join the group “MLM Directors Cut” where we focus on building a business outside traditional methods. We are doing 30-day challenges right now and I am offering private 30-minute coaching for the first 100 to be in that circle!

We also have a group to help you gain back 7–15+ per week (guaranteed) with various tips and tools, including cooking, menus and so much more!



Stacey Martin

Achieved high ranks in 3 different MLM companies, ethically, without bugging friends or family, and none of the same people in the different companies.